The Four Seasons is a new sashiko panel series from Indigo Niche. It will feature four individual designs—Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Visitors to the Melbourne Craft & Quilt Fair will get a sneak preview of Autumn and Winter. Watch this space!
Looking good for the Four Seasons panels. I love the Autumn ans Winter ones.
Hello Yolande, It might take a little while to get the other two finished but they will look great.
I can’t wait to see Summer and Spring as well, especially if they’re as gorgeous as Autumn and Winter!
Will they be released as a collection or just individually?
Just beautiful… simple but stunning…..can’t wait to do the set….after I finish all the squares for my caravan quilt…even HE said how wonderful they look and with renovations happening at home I think they will have a place on the wall…….
Love these new panels. Any chance of ordering the winter and autumn ones? Or will there be a long wait? Looking for something different to stitch
Thanks Marg